ponedjeljak, 15. rujna 2014.


Dear Joe & Louise,

Thank you for the most wonderful time you gave us in Croatia which was fun from start to finish.
Dr. Betty Spry too greatly enjoyed herself and without a doubt we will not fail to return to beautiful Croatia.

Louise, I have some of the video clips of you dancing which you will have to introduce to our folks in Zanzibar whilst at Neptunes.

Convey our best regards to Skipper Sineta and tell him I will not fail to go out fishing when we next visit Croatia. Also convey my thanks for the lovely gifts he gave us and equally your sister Diana.

Diana's holiday pad is just superb. Special link to her website will follow to be shared with all our friends.

Joe &Louise, not long before we take off for Paradise Island Zanzibar on our exclusive 5 star all-inclusive holiday for selected folks. You will be pleased to learn that 3 more very good friends are joining our party making it a slick group of 9.

Thanks once again from the trio (Dr. Betty Spry, Betty and myself)

Regards and love